LED Badges

Festival season is here! And since we like glowsticks, but don’t like their nonrecyclable nature – we decided to go all out on a bunch of LED toys! Behold: Each smiley features 20 LEDs in a Charlieplexed setup running on an Atmel Attiny85. The smiley PCBs were done by DirtyPCBs.com. They arrived Read more…

Exotic PCB production colours

The UI board for the Goldfish v4 is almost ready for production (post will follow soon) – so the search for fancy factories has begun! I was quite charmed by the colours of this fish: (found here: http://www.andreaharner.com/archives/2007/11/sos_goldfish_na.html) Which led me to search for circuitboards with white soldermasks and red Read more…

Kezboards, umlauts and USB

While searching for some easy-to-add USB options for the new Goldfish development, I revisisted the V-USB package. This package allows you to add USB to any small microcontroller that can add an interrupt to a pinchange. Link: http://vusb.wikidot.com/ While digging through earlier projects using this library, I found this amazing Read more…